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Personalized Rejuvenation for a Radiant You

Welcome to ReJuva Aesthetics & Wellness

At ReJuva Aesthetics & Wellness, we are passionate about enhancing your overall well-being and helping you achieve your best self, inside and out. Led by Christy Rosser, a dedicated Family Nurse Practitioner with a deep commitment to personalized care, our team brings a unique blend of expertise and empathy to every client. Conveniently located in Piperton, Tennessee, we offer a diverse range of services, including Medical Weight Loss, Hormone Replacement Therapy, and advanced Aesthetic treatments. We understand the vital connection between physical health and emotional wellness, and we pride ourselves on delivering individualized care that caters to your specific needs. At ReJuva, we’re not just a wellness clinic—we’re your partner in achieving lasting, transformative results. Our Medical Weight Loss programs are designed with your success in mind, offering tailored plans that include nutritional guidance, prescription options, and ongoing support. We believe that a healthy weight is about more than appearance—it’s about enhancing your quality of life. Our expert team is dedicated to guiding you toward sustainable, positive changes.


In addition, our Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) services address hormonal imbalances that can affect your energy, mood, and overall vitality. Using bioidentical hormones, we create customized treatments to restore balance and rejuvenate your well-being. If you’re experiencing the challenges of aging or hormonal shifts, our HRT programs are here to help you feel revitalized and empowered. For those seeking to enhance their natural beauty, our aesthetic services include injectables like Botox, Xeomin, and Dysport, as well as rejuvenating facials, skin treatments, and microneedling. We focus on delivering natural-looking results that leave you feeling refreshed and confident, all while prioritizing your individual goals. Discover the ReJuva difference, where your health, beauty, and wellness are our top priorities. Explore our comprehensive services and experience a holistic approach to self-care that’s uniquely tailored to you. Whether your goal is weight management, hormone balance, or aesthetic enhancement, ReJuva is here to support and guide you every step of the way.



Christy Rosser, FNP & Owner of ReJuva Aesthetics & Wellness, has been awarded Best Nurse Practitioner!

2024 choice awards finalist


happy woman touching her face

Transforming Your Health and Beauty with Customized Care

At ReJuva Aesthetics & Wellness, we blend advanced aesthetic treatments with holistic wellness solutions to enhance your natural beauty and overall well-being. Our mission is to offer personalized care that supports your health, beauty, and longevity goals. From rejuvenating your appearance to optimizing your health, our expert team is dedicated to providing tailored treatments that align with your unique needs and help you achieve a balanced, revitalized lifestyle. Our Services include:

Beautician applies white skin moisturizer to handsome man's face at wellness center

Recognizing Excellence in Care

At ReJuva Aesthetics & Wellness, our dedication to exceptional care has garnered prestigious recognition. We are proud to share that Christy Rosser was honored as a top 3 finalist in the 2023 Community Choice Awards for Best Nurse/Nurse Practitioner and has been nominated again for the 2024 awards. These accolades highlight Christy’s unwavering passion for empowering clients and enhancing their well-being, reflecting her profound impact and commitment to excellence within our community.

Tips From ReJuva

Prioritize Consistent Skin Care

For long-lasting results from your aesthetic treatments, maintaining a consistent medical-grade skincare routine is essential. Incorporate high-quality products that suit your skin type and address your specific concerns to keep your skin glowing between appointments.

Embrace Preventive Care With Longevity Medicine

Preventive care is key to aging gracefully. Consider longevity medicine practices like hormone optimization and peptide therapy to support your health and well-being as you age, helping you maintain vitality and prevent age-related diseases.

Hydrate for Healthier Skin

Hydration is crucial for skin health. Drink plenty of water daily and consider treatments like PRF and exosomes to boost your skin’s moisture levels and overall vitality.

Optimize Your Health With Vitamin Injections

Feeling fatigued or run down? Vitamin injections, such as B12 or B12 Lipo, can provide an instant energy boost and support your immune system. Regular injections help you feel more energized and ready to tackle your day.

Tailor Your Weight Loss Journey

Every body is different, which is why a customized medical weight loss plan is essential for success. Work with experts to develop a plan that includes diet, exercise, and possible weight loss injections to achieve your goals safely and effectively.

Rejuvenate With Non-Surgical Treatments

Explore non-surgical treatments like neurotoxins, skin boosters, and microneedling to rejuvenate your appearance without the need for invasive procedures. These treatments can reduce fine lines, improve skin texture, and restore a youthful glow.

Support Hair Health With Advanced Treatments

If you’re experiencing hair thinning or loss, consider advanced hair restoration treatments like PRF or exosomes. These therapies stimulate hair growth by harnessing your body’s natural healing processes.

Maintain Balanced Hormones

Hormone imbalances can impact your energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. Hormone replacement therapy can help restore balance, improving your quality of life and helping you feel your best.

Protect Your Skin Post-Treatment

After any aesthetic procedure, protecting your skin from sun exposure is crucial. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily and follow post-treatment care instructions to ensure the best results.

Invest in Your Health With Peptide Therapy

Peptide therapy can offer a wide range of benefits, from boosting muscle growth to improving skin elasticity. Work with our experts to create a personalized peptide regimen that supports your health goals.


ReJuva Aesthetics & Wellness

3725 TN-196 S, #A
Piperton, TN 38017

(901) 673-2930

Service Areas

  • Piperton, Tennessee
  • Oakland, Tennessee
  • Eads, Tennessee
  • Collierville, Tennessee
  • Germantown, Tennessee
  • Cordova, Tennessee
  • Bartlett, Tennessee
  • Memphis, Tennessee
  • Olive Branch, Mississippi
  • Southaven, Mississippi
  • & surrounding areas

3725 TN-196, Collierville, TN 38017, USA

Contact Us